Hello there! A few weeks ago I shared a few kitchen basic tips and items that I felt would be beneficial to you in the kitchen. Well I’m back with a second installment of kitchen tips to share. This post deals with spices.
Check out the cast of players:
Picture: Black Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon Sticks, Kosher Salt, Smoked Paprika, Sage, Red Pepper Flakes, Pure Vanilla Extract and Ground Cumin.
Just a few of my favorites for the kitchen. So let’s get started.
Black Pepper- A staple. Flavor without a ton of heat. Fresh cracked is best. Purchasing whole peppercorns and a peppermill allows you to control the coarseness of your pepper.
Whole Cloves– Excellent aromatic. Pair these with jerk chicken, a roasted holiday ham… Delish! I also warm these and use to fragrance my home during the fall and winter months.
Cinnamon Sticks– Cinnamon, the warm spicy spice that is known as a natural aphrodisiac. A little of this spice goes a long way. You can grind the sticks down yourself and make your own ground cinnamon. Cinnamon is great on toast, in pastries, and even on chicken.
Kosher Salt– A larger grain salt than regular table salt. The base behind a great seasoning. Kosher salt provides a great flavor and adheres to foods easily.
Smoked Paprika– Paprika is the ground the product of bell peppers is more than just a garnish for deviled eggs and I love it. I discuss my love affair here Smoked Paprika is the upgraded sibling of Paprika. The dried peppers are smoked and then ground, giving an amazing flavor to your foods. Use it to season your meats and veggiesl You’ll fall in love.
Sage leaves– The dried herb that backs a punch! Sage is truly a romantic and aromatic herb. Use it in soups, lemonades, and tea. Sage is AMAZING on poultry.
Crushed Red Pepper Flakes– The product of an assortment of dried red peppers. Crushed red peppers add an excellent element of heat to your dishes. A little of this red hot spice goes a long way. Use it on everything! Except for your baked desserts of course.
Pure Vanilla Extract– Made from the extract of vanilla beans. Vanilla extract works great for pastries and baked goods. Add a drop to a cup of coffee for a delicious treat.
Ground Cumin– An earthy spice made from the Cuminum plant. Cumin is popular in Middle Eastern dishes. The aromatic spice adds warmth to any dish. Add a couple of dashes to your chili. Yum!
So there you have staples in my kitchen. When buying spices check dates and smell them! Check a local spice market or spice shop. Penzey’s spices is a great little shop. Check them out if they are near you. Don’t be afraid to try a new spice!
Thanks for reading!
Love God. Love People. Eat Good!
And if you grow your own herbs this is a major bonus! Having your own hot pepper flakes is awesome.
I’ve never run out of hot pepper flake! My grandparents made their own, and it is truly a staple.
The pictures always make me hungry. I guess thats the point though.
Glad you’re hungry!! Thanks for reading.