Hi Friends!! I’ve been away a while, and I’m so sorry! But I have good reason as to why! The last few months have been a whirlwind of goodness and I have much to share. Much much to share!! So bear with me will I get it all out.
First up, I’m a writer and contributor to Indianapolis Moms Blog, and through them I appeared on a local station, WISH-TV 8 sharing kid friendly foods. Catch the video here. The full recipe post can be found over at Indy Moms Blog. Click the link for the details. I’ll do my best to keep you all posted on my media events. Forgive me for my lateness, life comes at you fast!
Secondly, I’ve got content premiering in HOPE For Women Magazine. Check out their website and their social media for recipes. The magazine is local to the Indiana region and offers great info to Women in the 25-50 age demographic. I’m pleased to have recipes online, as well as in print. Check them out!
Last, but certainly not least. One of my life long goals came to fruition this year. Many of you know that I am big on setting goals, writing them down, creating space for them in my everyday life. I use the vision board philosophy often. If you aren’t familiar, the vision board is a visual space you create with images, phrases, and messages that you hope to see in your life at some point. I’ve been creating them for years, and hold them as a positive force in my life.- Along with being intentional about every step I take. Something great came out of this year’s vision board. I’m ever so thankful. Ever so grateful. and SO dang excited.
So here is the news.
*drumroll please*
I’m gonna be on tv y’all. National appearance. IMDB credited appearance. Y’ALL!!
I’m pleased to share that I will be appearing on the October 24, 2017 episode of Big Bad BBQ Brawl as a judge.
Yes. Big Bad BBQ Brawl, airing on the Cooking Channel. Can we say vision board check mark!! I’m overjoyed and elated to share this with you all! I’ve shared publicly that an appearance on The Food Network/Cooking Channel has been on my vision board for years, and that in 2017, I was making it withing my reach. Well, intentions, prayers, connections and all that made it happen. God is so awesome y’all. I’d laid my intentions, did my part, and BOOM! Thankful to have the desires of my heart honored.
The details about the episode are below:
BIG BAD BBQ BRAWL “TV Dinner BBQ Brawl”- Tuesday, October 24th at 10pmET/7pmPT on Cooking Channel
Brooklyn pitmaster Shannon Ambrosio heads to Indianapolis, to challenge local barbecue favorites, His Place Eatery, in a smoked meatloaf challenge served TV dinner style! With help from Black Metal BBQ, these two aim to impress the judges and beat the competition with their “Brooklyn-ized” take on BBQ smoked meatloaf. You’ve never seen TV dinners like this before!
Please join me by watching on the 24th. It’s a battle of epicness. TV Dinner BRAWL will go down in history as one of the most hysterical episodes to grace the stage of the Cooking Channel. For my judging duties, I was paired with sports giant, Dan Dakich, and owner of the hottest restaurant in Indy right now, Milktooth, Johanthan Brooks. Those guys were amazing, and have officially been dubbed as my body guards. You’ll see why in the photos below.

On set!!

my bodyguards!
Dan Dakich, Johnathan Brooks


Foodie Frands!
So please, join me in watching Big Bad BBQ Brawl! You’ll enjoy the fired up eats! Mark your calendars, Tuesday, October 24, 2017. 10pm! The Cooking Channel!
Thanks for reading y’all. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!!
Love God, Love People, Eat Good!